Middle School Week Without Walls 2019/2020
Jim Matter-Activities Coordinator
DAA Middle School Trips and Activites
Please note you are signing up for an educational trip. Be aware that your child may not get their first choice and may not be with their specific friends. This is an opportunity for students to try something new! There are supervision and safety limitations on each trip so we make decisions with the students' wellbeing and overall safety as our number one priority. On our international trips, we have a minimum of 12 students and a maximum of 30 students on each trip to maximize fun, engagement and supervision.
Timeline for 2019/2020
October 23rd 8:00am- 9:30 am – In the atrium vendors will set up information booths for families to come, ask questions and find out more info.
October 23rd 5:30pm - 7:00 pm Auditorium parent night presentations.
October 24th – Student launch day. Two sessions in the Auditorium for students only. - 6th grade 7:50am - am 8:50am
- 7th & 8th grades 9:20am- 10:40am
October 25th- Signups go live on the website. You will receive a message after your signup is confirmed with instructions to make payment online.
*Update- Signups must be complete by October 28th to allow for review and confirmation of trips.
*Online payment system (Phoenix) will open October 31st and payment is due by November 10th. A link will be added to this website on the HOME page and the trip pages.